An Invitation to Exploration

By way of introduction, Ron Glasser at your service – naturalist, explorer, cartographer of natural processes. 

This is an invitation to join me on my explorations into the natural world, our natural world, to which we are directly and inextricably connected and upon which we rely to derive and sustain our human position on our pale blue dot. Join me in mapping how life and the natural processes have evolved and work.

Our Virtual Museum

By means of this vehicle of technology of human invention, we have placed the world of sea life and environment on display. Jewels of the Sea, our 3D online museum, was made for you to experience virtually being in our physical museum. We are constantly adding species and information to our museum, refining our presentation for ease of navigation and access. As I discover more, we will continue to add to the map of life. 


With regard to accessibility, I have taught theater, jewelry, and drawing classes for individuals with alternate abilities, working with minds and adapting to everyone's maximum physical abilities, and finding ways to extend those as we explore possibilities. I apply my decades of experience as a martial arts instructor toward thought and movement to adapt to presented conditions. 

I am developing tactile castings of the main textures and characteristics of the species in the 3D exhibit on our website. These tactiles will be used in conjunction with the website to create a physical experience alongside the 3D images. Keep watching!

We have and continue to make this experience into nature open to everyone seeking knowledge. You should have at your disposal at least what I know and have a strong foundation from which to go beyond it toward one’s own pursuits.

So in the spirit of Jacques Coustaeu and the Calypso, welcome aboard. We welcome your communications, inquiries and suggestions and will do our best to make this a valuable resource and tool. 

I am honored and humbled to be in your service.

-Ron Glasser


Thank You